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On Engagement with ‘Form’

| 6. Oewf

It is an approach that I have applied for some time and that has allowed me to start pursuing, as acclaimed American photographer Ralph Gibson puts it, a “visual signature” and to evolve the artistic outcomes I seek (and the methods by which I achieve those outcomes). more


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    on Geotagging, Gatekeeping, and Responsible Location Sharing in Landscape Photography

    All good points, David. And you're right, the Vermillion Cliffs is a great example of this sort of thing. I love your take on photographing people in the landscape too. Good points!

    - Matt Payne, 17:42 11th Dec

    on Photographing the Simple Beauty of Nature

    Apologies for the delayed reply, Paul - I was on my honeymoon! Thank you so much for sharing your point of view and supporting mine - I really appreciate it. At times it feels like our whole world is imploding at the moment, so those rare instances of awe are a [...]

    - Mieke Boynton, 02:35 4th Dec

    on What Makes a Great Photo?

    I appreciate your comment, Keith. True, there is no way to know the photographer's true intent that day. However, I can say with complete certainty that had I witnessed a similar scene I would have happily passed up capturing it in favor of simply experiencing the moment. Regardless, I'm not picking [...]

    - chris murray, 22:32 29th Nov

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