Post-processing - a step by step guide to printing

Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.
As a percentage of images made, those which are actually printed is very small, more so with the advent of digital photo sharing on the web and especially for those who employ a machine-gun shutter firing philosophy.
Nevertheless those special images which we do decide to commit to print, are clearly deserving of this accolade of being made, by preparing the files so as to show them at their finest quality. This means that if you, ‘your own harshest critic’, are happy with them, then others, even the print-sniffers at your exhibitions will begrudgingly mutter their approval too.
The final print is the culmination of a lot of different variables being brought together on paper at a particular size. Sometimes compromise is necessary and there are no real hard and fast rules. There are however ‘good practises’ and this feature aims to raise awareness as to things which contribute to raising the quality and success rate of your prints. Once you have developed a method of working that suits your personal preferences and equipment, there ought to be little need to change.