Win a full-frame camera!

Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.
We get a few people saying that Great British Landscapes is a little 'Film biased' and so to try to balance things up a bit, we're holding a competition to ask people to suggest their favourite digital photographers. Everyone who provides a suggestion and accompanies it with a reason why, will be entered into a draw to win ... a film camera!!
We've been playing with some cheap cameras from e-bay to find out just what the results could be like. The Portra 400 review in the last issue showed just how good they can be (12+ megapixels at 400 iso with 19 stops of dynamic range!).
The camera is an Olympus OM1 and although it isn't automatic, it has a simple light meter and to use it with the Portra 400 we tested, you only need to be within a couple of stops and things will be good. It comes with a 28mm and 50mm lens, both of which are really sharp - in fact, take a look below for a comparison between the canon 50 f/1.8 and the Olympus 50 f/1.8.
And also, here's a comparison between the Olympus 28 f/3.5 and the Canon 24-105 f/4 (both shown at approx 200%)
So - you suggest a photographer and if you win a prize we've got a proposal. We'll supply two rolls of film and offer to develop and drum scan the best 10 shots as long as you write an article about how you got on!
And obviously we'll get in touch with some of those wonderful digital photographers to feature on the website in future issues!
To repeat .. what you'll receive is an Olympus OM1n full frame camera with a Zuiko 28mm f/2.8 and 50mm f/1.8 lens plus a camera strap plus a roll of Portra 400 and a roll of Fuji Velvia 50 plus developing at a commercial lab and finally a drum scan of 10 of the best photos and a feature story on Great British Landscapes!! Total commercial value nearly <cough> £1,000!! **
So - send us your suggestions to info@landscapegb.com and don't forget to give us a short reason why and a link to their website!
** Well - OK, the Olympus stuff would have cost about £500 when bought new but you can get them now for £100 for camera and 50mm lens and £50 for the 28mm lens although I've been watching for a while and got a functional copy of camera and two lenses for £40. The film is £8, the developing £8 and the drum scanning would be another £500 if you went to professional lab however I do drum scanning of 35mm frames for £8 each.
Then again a feature on GBL is priceless!! ;-)