on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Web Design with WordPress

Tim Parkin provides an overview of this powerful web development platform

Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin

Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

Flickr, Facebook, Twitter

We started our series on web design recently and it’s about time we continued. We’re going to take a look at something that a lot of people have been asking recently and that is ‘Wordpress for photographers websites’. I've been developing websites since 1994 (my first was a website to coordinate a collaborative research project I worked on whilst working at Manchester University) and over the last decade have incubated, grown and sold an Internet marketing and development consultancy. Over this time I've seen WordPress emerge and go from a flawed blogging platform to quite a comprehensive content management system. I still do some web development and have previously used a web framework that myself and a colleague developed. However, in the last year I've started to use wordpress for nearly all my web development work and have started to migrate my existing websites to it.

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