Natural History Museum, London

Kevin Edge
Once a museum curator and then a cultural theory lecturer, he’s now a freelance writer on ecology and arts topics.
Venue: Natural History Museum, London: October 19, 2012 to March 13 2013. Later on tour to UK and other venues across the world.
Currently on show at London’s Natural History Museum are one hundred winning and commended photos from the 2012 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition. These have been selected from over 48,000 entries by a panel chaired by US photographer and environmentalist, Jim Brandenburg.
Introductory words describe this year’s exhibition as a “spectacular showcase” of “the magnificent” and “the intimate” in original, technically brilliant photos. En masse, these glowing, back-lit images really do speak of “the wonder and beauty of nature and how impoverished we would be in its absence.” But does Wildlife Photographer of the Year also have anything particular to offer any visiting landscape photographer, and are there perhaps any photos suggesting ways of re-thinking landscape conventions?