on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Interview with Paul Mitchell

About Taking on a Joint Book Project

Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin

Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

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Paul Mitchell and a few other Photographer's have put together a book called "The Coast" about the English coastline and when we visited at Burnham Beeches we interviewed him about it. We were surrounded by lots of barking dogs and screaming kids so it might jump subject now and then... :-)

So what is the book Paul?

The book is a collection of images taken on the coast hence the title “The Coast”. We wanted to keep it pretty much to the English coast, mainly because throughout people’s collections of images they had a smattering of Scotland, Wales & Ireland but predominantly it was the English coast. The creation was pretty much an impromptu thing and it just happened at one of our meetings there were at least three people that were frustrated that there was nothing being done about a possible book and we finally got going.

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