with Joe Cornish and David Ward

Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

David Ward
T-shirt winning landscape photographer, one time carpenter, full-time workshop leader and occasional author who does all his own decorating.

Joe Cornish
Professional landscape photographer.
Joe Cornish’s Questions
"I've noted that you use the 645DF+ in the very inspiring films made for Phase One. I was kind of expecting to see more of the Linhof . After you moved to digital have you changed your shooting style to use less view camera movements in your picture-making than you did when using the 4x5" - Anders Torgers
Absolutely not! The Techno is still my main camera. Phase One, of course, do prefer to see their own cameras used in their own films! I use the Phase 645 for a few different purposes, mostly for 'stand off' work - especially with the 80mm which is a wonderful lens - but if you're asking me which is my 'go to' camera, it is definitely the Techno.
"How do you discover the locations that you photograph? Is it luck when you get somewhere or hours of research?" - Nikki Gibbons
A lot of my locations are places I already know of course and I enjoy trying to find new inspiration in them. I also have a healthy diet of fresh locations provided by doing commission work and workshops. Luck certainly plays a part! The eye witness experience is paramount, I do read maps but I don't usually spend hours of research at home because ultimately it's about the light and the moment.