on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Joe Blogs

Thoughts from Joe Cornish - Practice...

Joe Cornish

Joe Cornish

Professional landscape photographer.


It has long been photography's cross to bear that of all the crafts and communication media it is the one whose image is most tainted by associations mechanical (as I suspect David Ward once wrote); that, and its apparent easy-ness. It seems that the vast majority of camera advances involve automation of one sort of another. Make photography easy and cheap enough and everyone can and will take pictures. And that is literally what has happened. George Eastman of Kodak fame who promised, “You press the button, we will do the rest”, would not have been surprised by this turn of events (although he might have been dismayed by the lack of print sales.) The emancipation of photography is, like reading and writing, a good and educational thing. But pressing a shutter button is only one small part of a process which is primarily about understanding and seeing light, and composition, and visual story-telling.


Tryfan, 2014

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