Live Demonstration & Q&A on Tilt Shift Lenses in Landscape Photography

Charlotte Parkin
Head of Marketing & Sub Editor for On Landscape. Dabble in digital photography, open water swimmer, cooking buff & yogi.
Tuesday 10th March, 8pm GMT
We've written articles about tilt shift photography in previous issues, for instance:
- Tilt / Shift Photography - Introduction to lens tilts in photography
- What’s the Shift in Tilt / Shift? A look at lens shift with DSLR cameras
- The Art of Looming - An explanation of the effects of rear tilt and emulating the effect on a DSLR
.. but the subject is getting more and more important to avoid diffraction when using very high resolution sensors that we've decided to run a live streaming discussion of the topic.
Join Tim Parkin for an hour long demonstration and Q&A session about using tilt and shift lenses in landscape photography.
Recording Available
The recording for this live streaming on tilt shift lens in landscape photography is available here.