Featured Photographer

Diego Lopez
Diego López is a Spanish nature photographer whose story begins more than fifteen years ago, in an enclave of exceptional beauty and wildlife, the Doñana National Park. His obsession with showing what has never been captured before undoubtedly reflects his perfectionist nature and portrays a huge work of prospecting and search for new locations. He is considered to be one of the pioneers of nature photography tourism in Spain after setting up his nature photography business Wild Photoescape.

Michéla Griffith
In 2012 I paused by my local river and everything changed. I’ve moved away from what many expect photographs to be: my images deconstruct the literal and reimagine the subjective, reflecting the curiosity that water has inspired in my practice. Water has been my conduit: it has sharpened my vision, given me permission to experiment and continues to introduce me to new ways of seeing.
Sometimes an image pops up in your feed that stops you in your tracks. For me, this happened recently with an abstract by Spanish photographer Diego Lopez and judging by the reaction when I reshared it, the same was true for many others.
Abstracts remind us of the beauty to be found within small things. Ironically the beauty in this and other images by Diego from the Rio Tinto stems in part from over 5000 years of mining for copper, gold and silver, and other minerals. In between photo tours, I asked Diego to expand on his fascination for this area, and for photography in general.
Can you tell me a little about your background and your early exposure to photography and/or the arts?
As I child, I can recall being interested in the Arts. I do remember being very fond of drawing. I was naturally attracted to landscape painting and I often practised with charcoal and nib. Actually my ‘major talent’ was miniature painting so that as a teenager I was even able to carve my niche building model airplanes!