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Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.
Tis the season to be jolly - and also the season to convince ourselves that we deserve to buy ourselves a few gadgets to play with in the new year. Some of my little treats include a load of darkroom equipment from one of our contributors David Tolcher and another treat is going to see Star Wars. Interestingly both of these have something in common - they both are driven by the resurgence of interest in film. Star Wars is one of a number of films that have chosen to capture their prime footage on celluloid. And it’s not all art house films like Boyhood, The Imitation Game and Steve Jobs - big blockbuster mainstream movies like Jurassic World, Spectre, Cinderella, Steve Jobs, Batman V. Superman, Jack Ryan, Edge of Tomorrow, Dracula Untold, Fury, Amazing Spiderman, Interstellar and Mission Impossible. TV shows are also being shot on film like American Horror Story, Walking Dead, Hand of God, True Detective, Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad, True Blood and even UK comedies like Doc Martin.
Most of On Landscape’s content so far hasn’t pushed film a great deal but with the increasing interest we’ve been getting a lot of requests to include some film specific article so from the new year onwards expect some in depth articles on getting into film or making the most of what you already use. With the incredible prices for film equipment and Kodak announcing that they’ll be in profit next year it’s never been a better time to dip your toe in the water. Don’t worry though, we won’t become evangelists - film is neither better or worse than digital, just different.
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