Ashley Hemsley, Bill Ward, Erwin Zeemering & John Herdman

Ashley Hemsley
My name is Ashley Hemsley, i currently live in Hailsham East Sussuex and i am an enthusiastic photographer who enjoys shooting landscapes. I currently use a canon 60D which is my pride and joy along with a range of neutral density filters. The reason why i use neutral density filters is that they make your work more creative and its more enjoyable to look back at the past moments.

Bill Ward
Bill Ward is an actor and photographer. Born and raised in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, he lives with his family in Bristol. He was awarded the inaugural Adobe prize at LPOTY 2015 for his photograph “Rainbow Falls”.

Erwin Zeemering
Started as a pop venue photographer but nowadays mainly outdoor.

John Herdman
From North East England, I enjoy all facets of photography but have passion for landscapes. Living quite close to the countryside and North Sea there is always an excuse to get out with the camera. Recently I discovered long exposure seascapes and have been making it my mission to visit the coast as much as possible. Day to day life can be stressful but I find that this type of photography offers an escape. Listening to the tide roll in and watching the sunrise is a great way to unwind.
Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini portfolios from our subscribers, each consisting of four images related in some way. If you would like to submit your own 4x4 portfolio please visit this page for submission information. Please click the images to view them full size.
Ashley Hemsley
Change in the Air
Whilst on a drive out, I quickly stopped at Birling Gap and was happy to see the tides were low and the sun was beginning to set. I couldn't resist I had to take a couple of shot of the beauty that was unfolding before me.
Bill Ward
To Infinity and Beyond
February 2015. I'd had a photography trip in the diary for ages. I'd originally planned to go to Cornwall, but the weather (damp, drizzly, overcast) made me change my mind, and I headed for the big wide open spaces of North Norfolk instead.
Erwin Zeemering
Stahlbeton is a black and white study of the Dutch remains of the once formidable Atlantikwall. It's an ongoing project as there are still new objects re-discovered from time to time. The project is partly architectural, partly landscape. The buildings are the main focus but many are just left behind alone in the landscape.
John Herdman
Mono Escape
A most of us do, I enjoy browsing photography websites such as Flickr, in particularly some of the amazing long exposure photos; the dreamy waterfalls, milky oceans and moody skies. I thought to myself I have to try this, so after a little bit of research I went ahead and purchased a couple of neutral density (ND) filters and started to experiment.
I live relatively close to the North East coastline and it offers a great number of subjects which lend themselves beautifully to long exposure photography. We have naturally formed stone arch ways, sea stacks, rock pools, castles, lighthouses, the list goes on. I made it a personal goal to visit as many of these landmarks as possible, these four pictures are a small selection of what I have achieved over the past year.
In my experience; high tides, cloudy skies and a slight sea breeze offer the best conditions when at the coast. If I could offer advice to anyone looking to get into this area of photography, it would be to invest in decent tripod and good quality filters.