Advice for oneself

Dorin Bofan
Dorin Bofan is a professional photographer specializing in the field of nature and landscape photography. He co-authored the book “Why Photography?” and he organizes nature photo tours all across Europe. His photographs and articles have been published in National Geographic (RO), National Geographic Traveller (RO), Photo Magazine (RO), Foto-Video (RO), GDT Forum Naturfotografie (DE) and whytake.net
We all know what a memorable photograph looks like. We have so many examples that take our breath away. It takes talent, chance, hard work and a lot of passion. Not everyone has glimpses of genius, but we can all try harder to improve the quality of what we do and get a better understanding of our craft.
To me there are feelings and attitudes I strive for through self reflection and I believe the human spirit is capable of extraordinary achievements. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Maybe there's no need to complete the words of the wise, so read with a light heart what I have written below.
The sense of wonder.
It all starts here. We can't possibly see beauty if we're not always curiously interested in discovering the world and our own limits. Did you know Henri Cartier-Bresson's famous image "Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare" was made without him looking at the scene? Yes, it was pure luck, as Bresson admitted himself. But there's catch here.