Adam Pierzchala

Adam Pierzchala
Now retired, I have more time to enjoy being out with my camera looking for scenes and subjects that pique my interest, especially coastal, woodland and close-ups. Although I still have several rolls of 35mm and MF film in my freezer, I shoot almost exclusively digital now
The images here are from Virginia Water, part of Windsor Great Park near Staines. Although it is landscaped and managed, there are many wilder parts where once I am concentrating on my photography I forget how near I am to towns and motorways.
I have recently been doing more black and white work, harking back to how I started photography (colour film being very expensive for teenagers in those days!), and dabbling with mono infra-red. Shooting in dull and even very wet weather, I hope to show the variety of textures and shapes and how these affect the mood of the scene.