Sam Gregory

Sam Gregory
Like many I got seriously into photography when digital image making made it seemingly more approachable. A few years later and now I dabble in digital and film, with a primary interest in Landscape but increasingly finding new avenues to explore and new approaches to image making.
I'm lucky enough to have an Italian girlfriend whose family own a house hidden in the Mountains near Levico Terme in the North of Italy. Every year we go for a few days and it's like stepping back in time.
The texture, colours and simple nature of these houses, many of which have been handed down through generations, is a stark contrast to the bland 'new build' apartments that are now cropping up in Italy's conurbations, and across Europe generally.
Dotted around the slopes of the mountains these houses are simple yet effective and just staying in them for a few days is a great way to go back to a slower way of life where the main concerns are shelter, food and water.