Paul Adams
All the photos were taken in what have become popular landscape locations. So not wanting to imitate what had already been done and also thinking that I couldn't portray the scene any better I chose to put my own angle on them and make them as individual as possible. The images involve using multiple exposures and ICM.
The two sunrise shots were taken in Santiago de la ribera,Spain which was my home for ten years. The private bathing stations and boats moored there make it popular with photographers. The moorland shot was closer to home in the peak district, and the pier shot was made in Blackpool.
Hope this is of some help. Feel free to edit as you wish.
Multiple exposures & ICM are two techniques that both fascinate and frustrate me.They´re both very easy to do but to do well is another story.There's a big difference between an image looking naturally abstract to one looking very contrived.All that said there are endless possibilities with them both and I´m only just at the beginning of what I hope will lead to much enjoyment.