David Mould talks about one of his favourite images

David Mould
I had dabbled in photography in my teens but only developed a passion since getting my first Digital SLR in spring 2007, when, I was convinced that megapixels had caught up with film… and now spend most of my free time in wonderful parts of my country… waiting for the light! Some folk say a lot of photography is luck, well, I believe that you make your own luck… knowing where the sun rises and sets, knowing when the leaves change colour; luck is all the elements coming together at once… its knowledge that puts you in the right place to capture that image.
Having been inspired relatively unknowingly by Robert Fulton’s work in and around the Trossachs of Central Scotland, and having somehow always been one step behind him when finding views and discovering new locations, I had been stalking his winning location near Blair Drummond for a couple of years for ‘that’ shot when it appeared as the winner of LPOTY 2011….
We eventually met when I was invited, as a young, (if only in experience, and not age) landscape photographer to talk at the Paisley Colour Camera Club and met this unassuming, quiet, but very knowledgeable man.
I later had cause to contact Robert when invited to be part of the judging panel on the Al Thani photo competition and sought his advice as the initial contacts from the organisers seemed like an internet organ harvesting scam rather than a genuine invite… but Robert reassured me it was legitimate and thus began my photographic ‘coming of age’ through working and judging with five highly decorated and rated photographers to deliver a ‘fresh’, new and stunning first prize image for the prestigious competition…
Through the many rounds and cuts one specific image emerged as a front runner and with it being a landscape image, in the presence of many other stunning images and genres, I felt a great responsibility and ownership having been brought onto the panel specifically for the landscape element and my experience therein…