An overview of a wild and spectacular country

Dorin Bofan
Dorin Bofan is a professional photographer specializing in the field of nature and landscape photography. He co-authored the book “Why Photography?” and he organizes nature photo tours all across Europe. His photographs and articles have been published in National Geographic (RO), National Geographic Traveller (RO), Photo Magazine (RO), Foto-Video (RO), GDT Forum Naturfotografie (DE) and whytake.net
Since I started photography, I have had the great privilege of visiting some of the most spectacular areas of our planet. I’ve been to Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands (yes, I have a thing with the Nordic landscapes, but I’m not the only one, I can assure you), Scotland, the Alps, Patagonia. I now realise that I haven’t seen too many countries. Oh, well, I’m still young I guess. Anyway, these places have inspired and shaped the careers of many photographers whose subjects are usually found in nature. And for good reasons. The landscapes at the edges of our planet are usually built differently by geology and weather alike. They have imposing mountains coming out straight from the sea, glaciers and fjords, a rich birdlife and a harsh, but very attractive climate for us as photographers.