Gerald Rowles, Idse Herrema, Jim Love & Stuart Clook

Gerald Rowles
As a clinical neuropsychologist I was trained in both the physiological and interpretive aspects of human experience - the physical sensors and the interpretive sensation that we bring to our experiences. In more than thirty years of self-training in photography it struck me that clinical neuropsychology is an apt metaphor for the photographer and their camera.

Idse Herrema
I am very much an amateur enthusiast photographer, starting early with a kodak instamatic, with stepwise improvements in kit moving through SLR and autofocus, which was a revelation, to digital SLR and recently to mirrorless SLR. My career in hospital medicine limited photography to family, holidays and then photography holidays.
Dissatisfaction with results from digital coincided with joining a club, giving me an outlet for images, with honest feedback and huge leap forward in the quality of my photography – and many good friends. It also taught me the power of the digital darkroom, which I only use in very limited measure. The strive to perfection and deletion of distracting elements from an image is an emperor with no clothes.
Favourite photography is that of scenes which we see for a split second only: the photograph allows us to spend unlimited time with that moment: wildlife, cloudscapes, seascapes etc etc.

Jim Love
Jim Love lives in Melbourne, Australia and has been actively photographing since retiring from anaesthetic practice. Initially drawn to photographing sublime landscapes without traces of man, the challenges of incorporating elements of autobiography and metaphor into his image making have been both motivating and satisfying.

Stuart Clook
Like a small but growing number of photographers around the world I’m exploring Analogue and Alternative Photographic processes to help me express my thoughts and feelings about the landscape that we live, work and play in. These processes help me make my prints in a uniquely personal way and where I can use my hands in today’s digital and machine centric world. I love the fact that results are not guaranteed and that sometimes serendipity plays her part in the final outcome making for truly unique handmade photographic prints.
Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers, each consisting of four images related in some way. You can view previous 4x4 portfolios here.
If you would like to submit your 4x4 portfolio, please visit this page for submission information. We are looking for contributions for the next few issues, so please do get in touch if you're interested!
Please click the images to see them in full.
Gerald Rowles
Rocky Mountain Pursuit Of “Aboutness”

Idse Herrema
No Leaves
Jim Love
Gale Warning
Stuart Clook
Precious Landscapes