Challenges out in the wilderness

Alex Roddie
Alex Roddie is a professional editor, writer, and occasionally photographer active in UK outdoors print media. He’s editor of the magazines Sidetracked and Like the Wind, and regularly writes for The Great Outdoors. He’s passionate about analogue photography although rarely dares take his vintage film cameras out for a spin in winter conditions. Alex is based in Scotland with his wife Hannah.
By its very nature, landscape photography requires the photographer to be outdoors. But what happens when you extend that time in the wild to days or weeks? How does that change your approach to photography, and what are the unique opportunities and challenges involved with taking your camera on a long-distance trail?
Part of my job is to write features on backpacking, hillwalking and mountaineering. I spend a good chunk of each year hiking through remote, mountainous country with a rucksack on my back, documenting my adventures with camera and notebook, and this has fundamentally shaped my development as a photographer.
Producing quality landscape photography in a wilderness scenario is a significant challenge. Here's what I have learned – and why you should take to the hills for an extended period. I believe it's one of the best ways you can improve your photography.
Image-first or adventure-first
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that approach, but photography on the trail requires a different mindset. The image is not necessarily the primary objective. This might sound counter-intuitive to some, but the main goal is to have an adventure for its own sake – and, if you play your cards right, you'll come away with the images you are looking for too.