Jonny Bell

Jonny Bell
Jonny is a UK based self-taught Photographer and sustainable development professional. Happy outdoors and with a camera.
He has a passion for image making and experimentation, with a fascination with light, process, texture and form. He spends as much time as possible looking for ways to express a wonder at the world, and how we live alongside and within it. Ultimately trying to create imagery that communicates and compels.
Fish Sheds is the beginnings of a series that considers environments, our interactions with them, and reflects on the nature of human achievement, and its’ contradictions.
Fishing is an essential food source, the sheds speak of an internal world conducted in local communities, a cottage loved and contentious at the same time, declining yet stoic, in East Anglia a once great industry diminished in part due to its’ own success.
Growing up in East Anglian, alongside the boundless skies, exposed coasts and life around the many rivers and estuaries, for me photography has acted as a form of escapism: seeking the presence of wild places, to reflect on and release emotion.
Much of my recent work has evolved from these early experiences but also a conscious effort to draw on the challenges of my work in environmental action and to combine motivations.
Fundamentally I am seeking an authentic consideration, attempting to create images that engage but also offer challenges to viewers, with conjunctions of aesthetic and subject.