David Eberlin

David Eberlin
started photographer during my architecture degree course (late 70s), processing and printing Black & White in the Polytechnic darkroom, taking photos for the course and of sailing and windsurfing, which I have continued doing ever since, both nationally and at my local sailing club, Notts County SC.
These photos are a small selection of the images taken in the last fifteen months. I have spent some time concentrating on a small local patch about a mile upstream of home, easy cycling distance. I noticed the bend in the river often had mist when I was cycling to work, and stopped occasionally if the light was right. I retired about 15 months ago and every time conditions have looked good I have cycled up to the same bend and surrounding area near Bulcote, Notts to take photos, within about a hundred yards of a gate in all conditions throughout the year.
As it is about 20 mins walk in its rare to see anyone other photographers there, though I have bumped into Chris Upton a couple of times and had a good natter whilst waiting for the light (I think it was after I showed him a few shots and explained where it was).
The four photos show a path along the Trent in frost, just downstream of the gate on a fairly wide angle lens. A misty day with a bright sunrise coming through the mist on a telephoto lens. Trent Lane on a spring morning. Trent lane is an ancient trackway at least 10 miles long travelling from Nottingham to East Bridgford and is seen on some very old maps (1830 onwards). Finally the shot shot of the trees and sunrise is looking towards Shelford on the opposite bank in winter.
I shall continue to cycle up there as seasons progress as it is one of the most interesting local places to photograph and there is nothing like seeing herons, crows and rooks among the waterfowl including ducks, coots and other birds as the day starts, it sets you up for the day, especially seeing the resident kingfisher.