Florian Freimoser

Florian Freimoser
I am a biologist and research as a mycologist at Agroscope in Switzerland. Photography is the one hobby that I have kept since my childhood. Over the years my interests and motives have changed, but I have always been attracted by intimate details, structures, geometrical shapes and patterns.
Autumn is my favorite season and each year I search for interesting compositions of autumnal leaves. In particular, I like photographing leaves along rivers or streams. Even though I have been searching for such motives for a couple of years already, I keep continuing every autumn. These four photographs, all showing brownish beech leaves, were captured within a couple of hours of photography along a stretch of 100-200 meters of a small stream. Together with my children we spent a magical afternoon of searching, waiting, looking, and enjoying the fresh autumn air. The four compositions are very similar, but I really enjoy looking at a subject from different angles and showing different points of view of essentially the same motive. And just to make absolutely clear: None of these leaves were touched, arranged, placed or moved by me!