Robin Jones - chooses one of his favourite images

Robin Jones
An amateur photographer and wildlife watcher from Cambridgeshire. My local patch is my muse and the camera reflects my thought and moods as I walk with the dog.
I do enjoy looking at each new "End Frame" as they are uploaded.
A little routine has developed. First, I have a quick look at the picture, trying not to make any judgements until I first see who the author is. If I do not know them or their work, I will look them up through any links.
Then it is back to the picture. One of the parts I enjoy most on workshops, is the review of the day's pictures, sharing your work and seeing what others have produced during the same session. There is a frisson of anticipation as each picture comes up on the screen and then a mixture of inspiration, entertainment and hopefully education from the picture analysis. A tiny bit of anxiety and relief too.
If you know the photographer and or the picture, matching the two and reading the "End Frame" has a not dissimilar feel. But rather than being their own picture it is one that has a significant meaning to them. The choices are sometimes surprising, but the pieces are always fascinating. I like to give myself a few moments to study the picture before reading on. Just as at a workshop, we all have different backgrounds, motivations and aesthetic tastes, so seeing the picture choice and reading the piece gives an insight into what makes them tick. I think the above is called procrastination!
My choice came to mind quite easily. I had to hunt through my bookshelf, from BC at one side to AD at the other to find a copy of it. For those not familiar with this alternative to the Dewey Decimal System, it goes from Before Colour to After Digital, with JC in the middle. I found it in a back copy of AG Magazine.