Jason Geeves, Juan Ramón Suarez, Paul Gotts & Paul Radford

Jason Geeves
I'm a keen amateur photographer living in Leeds and originally from Peterborough, I've always had an interest in visual creativity for as long as I can remember really (I'm a graphic designer by trade) but have only really started to take photography more seriously in the last year or two. Instagram

Juan Ramón Suarez
I am an amateur photographer of landscape and nature, who lives in the northwest of Spain (A Coruña, Galicia). I believe that my work as a photographer always will be a continuous learning of the beauty of the natural world in which I always find a source of inspiration.

Paul Gotts
Paul Gotts is an amateur photographer based on Merseyside. He has helped pull together three collaborative photo books showcasing the work of 18 different photographers. He also makes handmade books whether for himself or others, often for charitable causes.

Paul Radford
I have been interested in photography ever since I was at school where I was fortunate enough to be able to get a photography 'O' level. When I begun working photography took a back seat however I have recently started to get back into it and I am striving to improve my skills.
Welcome to our 4x4 feature which is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios submitted from our subscribers. Each portfolios consisting of four images related in some way. You can view previous 4x4 portfolios here.
Submit Your 4x4 Portfolio
We're on the lookout for new portfolios for April, so please do get in touch!
If you would like to submit your 4x4 portfolio, please visit this page for submission information.
Jason Geeves
The Lake District
Juan Ramón Suarez
Sounds of Galicians Water
Paul Gotts
A Series of Solargraphs
Paul Radford
Dead Trees