A new semi-permanent display

Max Rush
Max A Rush is a professional landscape photographer specialising in London’s parks and gardens. With a background in art, music and natural history, he first became interested in photography while working as a naturalist for the national parks service in Quebec. He continued his studies in the UK with a series on the mid Wales landscape and then, on moving to London began photographing his local park.
A new semi-permanent display opens this Friday in Richmond Park featuring 18 of my landscape photographs. This is the most prominent exhibition of my Richmond pictures so far and after almost 5 years of work on this huge park, I’ve very pleased to have something to show for it in one of its busiest spots.
The pictures range from depictions of the park’s important acid grassland and woodland habitats to seasonal change and phenomena of atmospheric optics in the natural world. Some of the spectacles I’ve witnessed and attempted to convey are beyond anything most daytime visitors to the park are likely to see or indeed believe (quite a few marvels of the 5am world), but I hope that if nothing else, this display will inspire people to venture further and look deeper into the great landscapes we have here in London.
For any fellow photographers who happen to see it (and who aren’t too disappointed that none of the pictures has any deer in, other than by accident in the far distance) I like to think that these pictures are little triumphs of determination over visions nature would apparently rather not let us share – moments of dazzling light in dense fog, howling blizzards and spectacular flowers in mosquito-ridden bogs.
Over the last few years, I’ve developed my own personal techniques of “large format” digital photography, enabling, albeit awkwardly, hugely detailed images to be made with quite compact equipment. This is the first time I’ve had a chance to print these images at a significant size, and I hope the visitors to the exhibition will enjoy finding the tiny slugs and spiders as much as I have.
The pictures will be on display in the Pembroke Rooms, Pembroke Lodge, Richmond Park, TW10 5HX (restaurant, wedding venue and an architectural landmark set in its own grounds, open to the public from 9am-5.30pm) alongside an existing collection of historical illustrations of the park and a display of wildlife images.