Simon Gulliver chooses one of his favourite images

Simon Gulliver
Amateur Photographer based in the North East of England. Forever grateful that I can enjoy photography for everything it offers and not be relying on it to pay the bills.
So there I was minding my own business when an opportunity came my way. Those nice people who run on landscape asked if I could contribute an article for the end frame feature. This came as something of a surprise, particularly as these articles seem to be written by people with an in depth knowledge of what they want to write about.
I always assumed that the authors came from a background in writing or had some qualification and experience in such matters. Beyond the should I do it and could I do it thoughts came the question of which one image to choose. How to select just one photograph singled out from years of
interest in photography and in a time when we are close to drowning in a flood of increasingly dynamic, saturated and for want of a better word, shouty images. My own preferences are away from the visual fast food and towards something more subtle and enduring. Being forced to sit down and think about it there is certainly no shortage of images I could choose that are memorable and somehow significant to me. To choose the greatest
one of all is an impossible and pointless feat so I decided instead to pick one from the many that have really caught, and more importantly kept, my attention.