Xavier Arnau Bofarull

Xavier Arnau Bofarull
I am an amateur photographer based on the Taunus Range, a mountain near Frankfurt am Main, Germany. I have no formal training in either art or photography. Since five years I try to improve my skills on Landscape Photography, and as a member of a Photo Club I took part in some Exhibitions.
For many years, I've sailed the little sea between the Costa Brava, on the northeast coast of the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic Islands, behind a steering wheel.
The more pleasant moments of the sailing were, at down or dusk, looking from the deck the cliffs, the capes, the lighthouses and the darkest entrances of the coves.
But that was long time ago. Today, sometimes I try to revisit – walking- these cliffs, capes, lighthouses and coves behind a camera. And always around down or dusk, or after the “llevantades” or “tramuntanades”, the heavy east or north winds that, sometimes, beaten these coasts.
The two photos from the Costa Brava were taken on the granitic part of the coast, an astonishing area of pink granite.
The two photos of Menorca, were taken on the Favaritx Cape area, a mysterious cape make up by black and grey slate and clay.