Simon Gulliver

Simon Gulliver
Amateur Photographer based in the North East of England. Forever grateful that I can enjoy photography for everything it offers and not be relying on it to pay the bills.
Wandering around woodland has long been a good way to relax and has become a significant focus for my photography over the years. Inspired by the work of William Neill, Charles Cramer and Christopher Burkett amongst many others, I found I was often looking for “perfect” scenes of magical woodland as shown by the masters. After a while, I found that wasn’t reflecting my experience. In the woods, I would be drawn to the fallen and damaged trees. I’m not entirely sure why this would be but implicit within the damage and decay would be a story and something that hints at a story always adds a little interest to an image.
Recognising this as a recurring theme led me to flick back through my Lightroom catalogue and On Landscape provided the opportunity to show the images. The final push came with the recent conference. There really is a creative buzz from attending and I would recommend it to anyone.
All of the images chosen were taken within an hour’s drive of home and were shot, like most of my images, in autumn or winter. Having the opportunity to revisit these locations it is surprising how dynamic the woodland can be. New vegetation gets in the way or favourite trees are removed for whatever reason. Light and weather are key as so often the case but at least we are not short of cloudy days in the UK.