Beautiful, wild, and colourful

Fabrizio Marocchini
I am an ICT professional and for me photography is a passion. I love nature, I like hiking and explore it, from the mountains to the sea...all the elements! I love staying for hours waiting for the right light... with my camera, my tripod and my emotions...thinking of the composition and listening to the sound of the sea. Thanks in advance to all the people that will appreciate my work.

Anna Chiara Tizzoni
I am a physicist and I work as a researcher in the field of renewable energy in Rome.
I love my job because it excites me to discover and learn new things every day. And every day it allows me to grow more and more.
Life is a journey of discovery, it takes effort but also a lot of imagination and imagination.
That's why I also love writing. To tell the reality around me, through my eyes, and turn it into in memories.
Every experience leaves you with something, even if you do not notice it. It is not about memories, but sensations. I was lucky to spend a few days last summer at the Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides, in a particular period of emotional chaos.
I knew it was beautiful, wild, and colourful. But I could not imagine how strong it was bound up with my feelings, which came out suddenly, at every new sunset or sunrise that I photographed.
Harris is an island with a precise tone that can make its voice heard. Everything is connected to the Ocean, in all its forms. And with this little project, I tried to show what is Harris for me. What it meant to me.
Harris is Tide
The tide accompanies and scans all hours of the day. It retires, to show sand games and tired purple jellyfishes, but also small animals building mosaics under my unbelieving eyes. And then it goes back silently, up to cover those golden sandy expanses. Again and again. Like in a mystic cycle of life.
Harris is Rocks
The rocks of Harris, the Lewisian Gneiss, the oldest rocks in Britain and some of the oldest in the World, have been polished by the waves for millennia. They are so ancestral, magical and smooth to retain all the minerals and make the drinking water light and special. In spring they are covered with purple flowers and in winter they remain there, naked, immobile and fearless, listening to the song of the sea.
Harris is Sheep
Many, soft, funny sheep all around, always climbing on slippery ground, eating very thin grass in summer and still in winter under a snow whiter than them.
Harris is Colours
The beaches of Luskentyre and Scarista are amongst the most spectacular. It is impossible not to be fascinated by the beautiful colours that the sky assumes when it meets the Caribbean green Ocean that bathes Harris. And here we see all the nuances, from blue to purple mixed in a poem that changes, darkens, sometimes blind by the rays of the sun, proud to be so unique.
Harris is Spirits
The essence of Harris is captured by the taste and scent of his Gin and Whiskey, which reflect the generous character of the island and the people who live there.
Harris is Tweed
Harris Tweed is a tweed cloth that is handwoven by islanders at their homes. The simple and unique Harris colours, combined together give shape to beautiful fantasies.
All these emotions captured with my camera in this project, not only the breath-taking landscapes but the essence of Harris's voices and colours.
Twelve photos, from the blue of the early morning and the gold of the sunrise to the pink of sunset.
Each picture tells a moment, a note, a shade of colour of the day I lived. And it's beautiful because it was unique.
Each one is a painting, drawn by the Ocean, heard by Natureā¦and appreciated by anyone who has the heart open to listen.