Daniel Wheeler

Daniel Wheeler
I'm a student of photography with a fondness for nature and landscapes. I aim to record the sights I see and the way I feel in the moment in my photography.
Through photography, I have discovered a bond between myself and nature that is almost harmonious. I find when my solitude is absolute, not only am I able to connect with my surroundings better, but I feel I have a greater chance of encapsulating the moment in a photograph. That's why I choose to shoot locally a lot of the time, which is one of a few things that these 4 photos have in common. I live on the outskirts of Birmingham in the UK, so naturally, you might think I'd have to go out of my way to find worthy woodlands and lone trees, but it's not the case. In fact, the furthest I travelled for one of these images was 20 minutes in the car, and that was with traffic!
Trees possess unique qualities that I'm often in wonderment about. It's always a joy to photograph them and watch how they change from season to season. That being said, these 4 images have all been shot this past winter (2018-2019). Winter weather often brings about unique shooting conditions, but also difficult travelling conditions, so finding interesting photos close to home is more efficient for me. Of these photos in particular, I think the two in deep fog might tell stories visually, whilst the other two are a delicate portrayal of form and texture.