on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Skye – off the beaten track

Subscribers Images

Charlotte Parkin

Charlotte Parkin

Head of Marketing & Sub Editor for On Landscape. Dabble in digital photography, open water swimmer, cooking buff & yogi.

In April, Tim and I went to the Isle of Skye for two days to see if we could get away from the madding crowds (even on a busy Bank holiday). I think we did OK but we wanted to ask our subscribers to send in their images from less travelled Skye locations. Although we're sure a fair few people would rather keep some locations quiet, a few people were willing to share there own favourite spots. A big thanks to all who appear below! There's still a couple of days left if you want to add yours!



Toby Deveson

July 2015 using a Nikkormat and a 24mm lens. Taken on Kodak T-Max 400 and printed uncropped by me in my darkroom

Paul Marsch

Raasay Squall

Glen Brittle

Along the Sound of Raasay

Leslie Ashe

Trumpan, Waternish Peninsula Approaching storm

Loch Harport - a sudden shaft of light

John Liggins

Kylerhea to Breakish road through Glen Arroch looking back to the Knoydart Peninsula
on the mainland.

Kylerhea to Breakish road through Glen Arroch looking to Knoydart Peninsula. Looking toward Broadford and The Cuillins in the distance

8083 near Torrin looking over Loch Slapin towards Bla Bheinn

Ian Christie

Red Cuillins by Sligachan

Harvey Lloyd-Thomas

Elgol, Skye

Boreraig, Loch Eishort, Skye

Camas Malag, Loch Slapin, Skye

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