Neil Jolly

Neil Jolly
Photography has long been one of Neil's passions. He started taking, and developing, photographs around the age of 10 (and is well over that age now). Neil can often be found, wandering the backcountry of the Canadian Rockies in search of his next photo opportunity, riding through the foothills on his horse Jackson, or playing his guitar as loud as he can get away with.
I have long been captivated by the black and white images of photographers like Ansel Adams, Byron Harmon, and Bruno Engler. Adams is a household name but the latter two are likely not familiar to many photographers. Byron Harmon, and Bruno Engler, photographed primarily in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and tripped the shutter on many historic images of this area.
Inspired by these early explorers I have lived in, and explored, the Canadian Rockies for the past 35 years or more and these are some of my favourite black and white images I have made of the places I love. I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed making them.