Second Episode

Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

David Ward
T-shirt winning landscape photographer, one time carpenter, full-time workshop leader and occasional author who does all his own decorating.

Joe Cornish
Professional landscape photographer.
I was having one of our regular chats with Joe Cornish last week to catch up on things, and we both talked about making the most of the fact that we were both available to record some audio content for our readers. We’ve tried having online chats before but had problems with internet bandwidth when we were based in East Yorkshire. However, now we’re in the Highlands, we were hoping that our increased bandwidth would let us do more (a quite surprising 30Mbps instead of <1Mbps near York).
Sorting out the technology
We also ran the idea past David Ward, who was positive about it and, like most of us, didn't have anything else to do. So, we recorded our first episode using GoToWebinar. Unfortunately, there was a bit of lag/delay on the connection, which made for a stilted start, and the final audio quality wasn’t great. However, we enjoyed the process, and I went away with the task of trying to work out a better process for next time.
We ended up sending separate audio recorders to Joe and David and although we had our conversation on our phones, which got rid of the nasty lag, we used the recorders to get a good quality record in each location and also used video conferencing software with the audio turned down to make sure we had the visual cues that conversations sometimes need. The end result of this was much better and we'll stick with this going forward.
All of this description of our process is by way of explanation of why our second conversation is actually our first proper one. However, the first conversation was still interesting and so we’re including it here with the quality warning.
What did we chat about? Well, for our lower-quality chat, we challenged each other to choose a question to ask of ourselves and the second, better quality chat we had a discussion about what we have been doing since the lockdown started and how it's been affecting us
Questions for Joe, David or Myself?
What we really want to do is to continue having these conversations but make things more interactive with our audience. So if you have any questions you’d like to address to Joe or David (or myself) then please add them to the comments below, send a message via our Facebook page or via email to submissions@onlandscape.co.uk.
We also want to include other photographers in our chats and if you have any suggestions for these or want to nominate yourself, please let us know!