Alex Nail and Tim Parkin attempt to demystify an Often Confusing subject

Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.
A few weeks ago Alex Nail approached me to propose recording a video with the goal of trying to explain colour management and provide some guidelines for photographers who may find the subject a bit of a challenge. We spent a while looking at different ways of demystifying the subject and coming up with some broad recommendations. We had a bit of a technology nightmare in the process but I think it probably helped us rehearse the topic well. There will be a second instalment coming soon where we answer a range of questions submitted by our contacts.
I've included a comparison photo showing the two rendering intents we talk about in the video with circles showing places that demonstrate the differences. A big thanks to Alex for driving this and editing the final video! If you have any questions, they might be answered in the next video but drop them in the comments below anyway.