Paul Hetzel chooses one of his favourite images

Paul Hetzel
Paul Hetzel is an amateur photographer living in Springfield, Massachusetts. His passion is photographing natural and urban landscapes. His work has been heavily influenced by workshops with Jack Holowitz and John Sexton, and studying the work of Michael Kenna and George Tice. He has published a book of images taken in Greenland.
When given the daunting task of selecting and celebrating a single landscape photograph, after much deliberation, four artists’ work rose to the top of my list. I count John Sexton and his luminous black and white images as a major influence. I have long been captivated by the long-exposure black and white photographs by Michael Kenna. Among practitioners of colour photography, two men stand out: Charles Cramer and his remarkable work with trees and Jack Dykinga’s approach to the After considering all four men’s remarkable work, I chose Jack Dykinga’s image captured in Paria Canyon, Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness area in Northern Arizona.