New solo exhibition

John Brockliss
John is a Brighton-based photographer specialising in reportage and landscape photography.
He studied photography, fine art and graphic design at Goldsmiths and Ravensbourne before graduat- ing as a professional graphic designer in 1972.
In a design career spanning over 40 years, John has worked with some of the most eminent designers of his generation and now dedicates his creative energies to his photographic projects.
He works exclusively with Leica-M rangefinder cameras and available light. Increasingly John works in black and white, focusing on long-term assignments and wider creative collaborations where he can explore his chosen subject, landscapes and documentary stories in depth. Simplicity underpins John’s work ethos - his images are printed uncropped as shot in-camera and avoid manipulation.
A new solo exhibition of marine landscape photography by Brighton-based photographer John Brockliss opens at The West Pier Centre, Brighton on Saturday 5 September. The free-entry show is open to visitors 11.00am - 4.30pm Saturdays and Sundays only and features over 30 colour and monochrome works, personally printed by the photographer.
John works exclusively with Leica rangefinder cameras and lenses and available light. His photographs are all shot hand-held and prints are exhibited uncropped, exactly as composed in-camera.
As an island nation with an unrivalled seafaring heritage, we share a deep and enduring love of the sea. We are forever drawn to the wild elemental shores of remote locations and the bustling summer beaches of our seaside towns. John uses his cameras to capture those rare moments when the competing natural elements combine for a transitory few seconds and transform the normal into the unforgettable: light, tide, wind and sea in constant flux.
"My passion for marine photography is directly linked to two additional and abiding interests - fishing and boating. I have been active in both most of my adult life and for the past 27 years spend a week each summer fishing off the West Coast of Scotland. These fabulous trips have given me rare photographic access to otherwise inaccessible vantage points (see the Muckle Flugga lighthouse shot) and more importantly have allowed me to be 'at one' with the ever-changing light and weather patterns which are so much more emotionally felt at sea. Despite the potential risk to camera and lens from salt water and accidental damage, because rangefinder cameras are so compact, I find them perfectly suited to the rigours of shooting at sea.
Whether I am photographing at sea or onshore I am always looking for compositions which are defined by unique and often elusive combinations of light, tide, atmosphere and transient weather conditions."
Exhibition details
The Shoreline Exhibition is hosted by The West Pier Centre on Brighton's seafront promenade, next to the British Airways 1360 visitor attraction.Address: West Pier Centre, 103-105 King's Road Arches, Brighton, BN1 2FN.