Mike Prince chooses one of his favourite images

Mike Prince
Mike Prince Landscape photographer living in the Lake District. Photographing across the Lakes, Wales, Scotland and the Scottish Islands. I prefer dark days and bad weather- they allow the landscape to show through. The most frequent comment made on my images is 'moody'; I try to convey a sense of what the place looked like and more importantly felt like to 'me' at that moment.I like images where you can smell the rain and feel the wind on your face.
I have come to believe that there are two broad tribes of landscape photographers. Those who (whether consciously or not) view the landscape as a resource that may be consumed or even exploited in order to generate money and perhaps a measure of fame or notoriety.
The other tribe are those who exhibit an immense reverence for the landscape and develop a much deeper, personal relationship. They may generate some wealth but this is essentially a bonus rather than the core.
Broad brushstrokes of course but when you see a photographer break off a branch to improve a composition, you know in which tribe they fit.
William Neill grew up in the San Francisco area and visited the National Parks as a child. By adulthood, he was already familiar with Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Sequoia and Yosemite. He moved to Yosemite in 1977 and never left. A few years after arriving he was hired to be the photographer in residence at the Ansel Adams gallery. He is wrapped entirely within the legacy of Adams. His tribe, I would suggest, is the latter.
He says of himself that he is a photographer who is,“concerned with conveying the deep, spiritual beauty he sees and feels in Nature.”