Phil Pither

Phil Pither
For more recent work I have struggled to find subjects that appeal to me in Hong Kong even after living here for 20+ years. So my wife and I have, up to now, travelled a lot while I continue to search for subjects closer to home.
I find images that are ambiguous, enigmatic and with a surprise element particularly interesting. My selection approach is simply that they 'catch my eye' and of course the overwhelming majority simply do not work as expected when reviewed later on screen.
These images are a few that have stood the test of time. The locations are Rocky Cape National Park & Cradle Mountain -Tasmania plus Waipu Cove - New Zealand
I was introduced to photography at the School of Architecture in Auckland in the early 70s, then dropped out as one did in those days while my interest in photography continued almost uninterrupted to today, including darkrooms in bathrooms, kitchens, garages etc over many years. I have not missed darkroom work and I have no regrets about switching to digital.
Inspiration- Edward Weston stands out, Paul Caponigro, Ansel Adams and many others.
Published - Australian Photography many years ago and more recently a portfolio in Culture Magazine in Hong Kong.