on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

End frame: Snow Lines by Lizzie Shepherd

Rachael Talibart chooses one of her favourite images

Rachael Talibart

Former lawyer turned professional coastal photographer based in the South of England, workshop-leader and public speaker. Rachael exhibits frequently and is represented by galleries in the UK and USA.


I first saw this photograph when judging Outdoor Photographer of the Year back in 2017. The photographs were judged anonymously. Sometimes you can hazard a guess about the author but I’m not sure Lizzie would have been in most of the judges’ minds at the time because she is mostly known for her colour work. All of the judges liked this photograph and it was among those selected for inclusion in the book. I liked it so much that I am now the very happy owner of a beautiful print.

Lizzie has often talked about her preference for scenes that do not reference a specific place. This little view could be anywhere and that universality gives it relevance; we can all relate to it, imagine ourselves in a similar place, without having to go to extraordinary lengths to get there. In this strange age of limited travel, there’s comfort in that.

Although the subject is a snowy scene, this is not a cold photograph. The fringe of branches that gracefully dangle over the top of the frame create a sense of haven. We are almost cradled within the scene. I can imagine myself pausing under the branches of the tree, perhaps to enjoy a hot chocolate from my thermos as I admire the far tree line, before heading out into the cold again.

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