Peter Richter

Peter Richter
As an amateur outdoor photographer living in Vienna, I enjoy spending a lot of time in nature and try to share my experiences. I first became familiar with analog black and white photography in my youth, and I was always interested in the whole process from image composition to finalising the print. Later on I turned to digital techniques and deepend my knowledge in image processing and printing. My work mainly consists of landscape images from Austria and other European countries. I focus on intimate landscape images, first of all trees and forests.
These four images are connected in diverse ways. First of all, they represent my main focus of interest in nature photography, namely trees and forests. Furthermore, they belong to a series of images taken in square format, which offers me an interesting variety of possible compositions in my opinion. Then I chose black and white processing for them in order to concentrate on the diverse structures found in woodlands. And finally, they all arose in the familiar surroundings close to my home in Austria on the outskirts of Vienna during the lockdown following the pandemic in 2020. My wife and I took up the opportunity to scout out the Biosphere Park Wienerwald (Vienna Woods), an extended forest area. We are familiar with this region since our childhood, yet slowing down and raising awareness in this period made it possible for us to see long-known places with different eyes.