Featured Photographer

G Dan Mitchell
G Dan Mitchell is a photographer and visual opportunist whose subjects include California landscapes from the Pacific coast to the Sierra Nevada and California deserts, the Southwest, urban landscapes, night photography, street photography, travel photography, and more. Since 2005 he has posted daily photographs with commentary at his blog. He is the author of “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” from Heyday Books.

Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.
It was probably over a decade ago, more like 15 years I imagine when I first saw Dan's photographs. I think it may have been on Fred Miranda or possibly via a blog circle. Dan's blog has been regularly kept up to date with photographs and writing since 2006 and he has always produced solid landscape photography that I have always had time for. So it's a little late to ask him to appear in On Landscape but hopefully he'll forgive me!
Can you tell me a little about your education, childhood passions, early exposure to photography etc.?
My photography interest began very early. My father was a talented amateur photographer. He introduced all four of his kids to photography early on, and I recall first visiting his home darkroom when I was a preteen. He started us with basic box cameras, and eventually let us borrow his older cameras. (No doubt a fine excuse to buy himself a new one!) I don’t remember the exact date, but I’m pretty certain that I had made prints before I started middle school.
He also had a collection of books featuring beautiful photography, and spending time with those books shaped my interest in landscape photography. He even took me to a local lecture by some guy named Ansel.
Like a surprising number of photographers, I have a serious background in music. When I entered college I followed that academic fork, and I earned degrees in music theory and composition, specialising in the then-new field of electronic music, the focus of my college teaching career.

Aspen Grove, Bishop Canyon
Twisted and leaning aspen trunks in a large grove in the Bishop Creek drainage, Sierra Nevada, California.
What are you most proud of in your photography?
That is a tough question! I think it may be that people find in my work a particular “way of seeing” that they identify with me. To be honest, it is hard to understand what that particular vision is comprised of, and it is through their eyes and discussions with them that I began to recognise it and understand it.