Graham Nobles

Graham Nobles
Landscape was ever my passion and after a decade of teaching digital photography, I moved to Cumbria and can now slow down and take my time with it. To that end, I switched from DSLR to digital medium format with the Fujifilm GFX system, which I am enjoying getting to grips with!
Unlike other National Parks in northern England and Wales, my local patch the Peak District isn’t famed for its dramatic waterfalls. So we must make do. But there is drama to be found in even the smallest of tumbles. Light, curve, reflections; in detail and in their simplicity, there’s more than enough to make an image worth a second glance! Excluding the surroundings, getting in close, can reveal a landscape that might otherwise be passed by unnoticed. Just a few steps either way can make all the difference too; the play of light on the water surface, the interplay of curves and eddies, a reflected landscape to add colour and depth. Thanks to Carol Gregory for the portrait image!