on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Past Masters – Part Three

The Impressionists - Part III

Francesco Carovillano

Francesco Carovillano

Through nature and image-making I keep discovering who I am. The more I grow older, the more these two things merge together.

I’m a full-time landscape photographer mainly working in the forest of Fontainebleau, France.


In this third and final part about the Impressionists, I will explore their working mentality and their thoughts about schools, masters and mentors, and see how it compares with today’s photography. (Read the first article: Past masters and expressive photography - The Impressionists - Part I and Part II).


Working Mentality

Paul Cézanne, Camille Pissarro, Henri Matisse and Paul Gauguin, along with fellow impressionists, had the same approach to work. They conceived it as an obsessive, single-minded pursuit.

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