on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Only When I Dream

A group exhibition at the Coningsby Gallery in London

Beth Taubner

Beth Taubner

London and NY-based Transformational Brand Strategist, Creative Director, Curator and Coach Beth Taubner has developed a proprietary methodology to guide photographers and other lens-based artists in excavating and defining their own voice to successfully and authentically come to market. She consults with many top photographers and agencies in both the commercial and fine art realms, speaks frequently and reviews portfolios at global and national photography fairs and fine art reviews and has developed workshops and seminars that are relevant for visual artists at many different points in their careers. 


Only When I Dream is a group exhibition curated by Beth Taubner and Andrew Coningsby, opening August 30, 2022, at the Coningsby Gallery in Fitzrovia, London.

The exhibition is comprised of fine art photographs, original illustrations and one video and sound installation. Artists exhibiting include renowned fine art photographers Morag Paterson, Ted Leeming, Claire Rosen, Gina Glover, photographer and deep ecologist Carol Sharp, along with esteemed illustrators Sam Falconer and Martin O’Neill. Only When I Dream will stimulate the viewer as we ask them to go on a multiplicity of journeys with us.

Ted Leeming And Morag Paterson. Original Zero Footprint Copy

Ted Leeming And Morag Paterson

Morag Paterson.songs From The Stream

Morag Paterson

The exhibition is about memories and dreams, real or fabricated. The Celtic poet, theologian, and philosopher John O'Donohue spoke about “the invisible world” that is constantly intertwining what we are able to know and see. O’Donohue said that a dream is a sophisticated, imaginative text full of figures and drama that we send to ourselves. These concepts are explored through the multi-dimensional language and visual landscape of Only When I Dream.

Dreaming can involve moments that crystallize yearnings, ethereal and romantic. They can be stories that we conjure tied to memories from the past, or the imagined past, therefore nostalgic and informed by memory or longings. We might experience highly sensory and visual waking or sleeping dreams where the mind and imagination travel to distant lands or just next door. Our dreams might conjure untamed places in the physical world we have been to and long to experience again. Focusing on the landscape as a vehicle for these ideas emerged during the curatorial process.

Gina Glover. Examiner

Gina Glover

Enmeshed Carolsharp Original

Carol Sharp

Timing is everything, and gallery owner Andrew Coningsby and Beth were in agreement that this was the right time to present work that would allow viewers to lift out of the lingering pandemic and travel into other states of mind. We came to understand that each participating artist explored their own deep relationship to the natural world, underpinned by different concerns.

Exhibition Details

Only When I Dream Exhibition, 30 August - 10 September 2022, Coningsby Gallery, 30 Tottenham Street, London, W1T 4RJ

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.