Mark Burley

Mark Burley
I currently live in Ashburton, on the edge of Dartmoor, Devon. My studio is based at the Sherewood Photography Gallery, Ashburton.
I prefer to shoot landscapes but also enjoy making images on the street and taking shots of musicians performing live. Having moved to Dartmoor five years ago, I really enjoy shooting on both high and low moors together with the river Dart and its tributaries.
I have always felt that infra-red images would show Dartmoor’s moody Tors to their best advantage and provide the viewer with my interpretation of ‘Wild Dartmoor’ - on both high and low moors.
Way Marker and Higher Tor was taken on an overcast day and have the advantage of just a few rays of sunshine breaking through low cloud, to give great highlights on and around the waymarking stone. I walked over to Higher Tor and found a tree growing straight out of the stone (Tree on Higher Tor) creating an image of tenacity; clinging to the stone. Moving on to Emsworthy Tor I found another tree just on the higher edge of the Tor, at this point, the sunshine again highlighted the Tor itself, along with the wider landscape beyond.
The dappled sky brought life to the Tor below. Moving down into the valley I came across a tree that had fallen across the stream, which represented something at the end of its life; lying at the foot of a lovely plantation (in the prime of life).