Huibo Hou chooses one of her favourite images

Huibo Hou
Huibo Hou, is a landscape photographer based in San Diego, California. Her interest in photography started back in 1999 as a hobbyist while working in the wireless communication industry. Landscape photography, especially in black and white, became the art medium that she is passionate about. She uses it as her creative outlet to express how she observes, interprets, and connects with nature.
It is almost impossible to choose just one image to write about since I constantly find inspiration in many great photographs almost on a daily basis. After some contemplation, I decided to choose American photographer Peter Coskun’s image Bloom. It is one of those images that I immediately gravitated towards and keep coming back to. It is also one of those images that made me slow down and dig a bit deeper, trying to figure out why it leaves me a long-lasting impression.
Like many landscape photographers, when I started learning photography, I was initially primarily drawn to photograph the grand landscape and chase the ultra-wide-angle dramatic visual effects. In later years, I realised that this is not the only way to photograph landscapes, and I slowly expanded my interest and focus from grand vistas to smaller scenes. Smaller scenes or nature abstracts, although sometimes harder to isolate and extract, present a lot more or even endless possibilities for creativity and help develop a personal vision. I also think they can often tell more unique stories compared with grand landscapes.
Mastering both grand landscapes and intimate small scenes is no easy feat. Each requires a different mindset. I say this because I myself am going through the learning curve. Peter Coskun’s portfolio demonstrates his proficiency in both. Based in Arizona, U.S., Peter has an impressive body of work that is specialised in his beloved southwest deserts, canyons, and mountains. His grand landscape work is jaw-droppingly beautiful, and his nature abstracts are equally captivating.