Franci van der Vyver chooses one of her favourite images

Franci van der Vyver
I live in Toronto where you’ll find me in the gardens and ravines, either with a stepladder or garden kneepads, forever broadening the viewpoint from where I shoot.
Dancing in moonlight,
Dreams leave my head for my heart,
To grow and come true~ Wim Vooijs
This enchanting photo makes my heart sing. It brings to mind a myriad of other art forms like poetry, painting and music through the universal language of emotional inspiration (for example through tranquility). Some iconic pieces this photo evokes include Beethoven (“Moonlight Sonata”), Debussy (“Clair de Lune”), Sting (“Moonlight”) and Monet (‘Sunrise”)
Photographers travel the world from North to South and from sky to sea in search of a unique subject, but the moon and its reflection is a familiar, universal subject, which almost everyone can see on any given night.
I find it inspiring that Wim did not have to travel the earth to make this image, but instead, walked a few steps from his home and took on an ever-present subject to create this new, almost otherworldly photo. This is taking reality and changing it into art. In Wim’s own words, “You can take pictures of what everyone sees, but it's more fun to show others what you see and feel. In doing so, remain open to the surprise of what the world wants to tell you. Laat het gebeuren!”
In the age of the Internet and digital photography, where a sea of beautiful photos are available to view at the push of a button, originality is a rare sought after quality. “Dancing in the moonlight” oozes with imagination and magic.