Adam Fortune, Goran Prvulovic, Jan Glover & Vidya Kane

Adam Fortune
I am an enthusiast landscape photographer based in the South East of England. Wherever I travel, my camera comes with me on the off chance it makes it out of the bag. I love to explore familiar and unfamiliar locations and try to make photographs which tell the stories I see in the landscape.

Goran Prvulovic
I am a software engineer and photographer based out of Southern Alberta since 1997. Carrying on my father's legacy as a self-taught photographer himself, the style of my pictures focuses on the beauty of the Canadian countryside - a location that I'm blessed to be able to call my home.

Jan Glover
I joined my local camera club in Sydney over 25 years ago and gained my AAPS (Associate of the Australian Photographic Society) in 2007. Over the years I have judged National and International photographic competitions, as well as camera club competitions, and I have been part of seven group exhibitions. I love the challenge of capturing images from the natural environment - especially landscapes, and patterns from nature.

Vidya Kane
I am a landscape photographer who aims to provide an emotional connect to the beautiful world around us. Photography is a vehicle to express my inner most sense of connection and spirituality to our majestic landscape. This has led to an unending quest of not just the right light, but also the right conditions to provide a window into my feelings. I also believe that the ultimate manifestation of my art rests in the creation of expressive prints. So, I spend a lot of my time in constantly refining the digital raw files using techniques similar to those employed in the traditional darkroom to ensure that the prints are optimized for color, contrast, sharpness and saturation.
Welcome to our 4x4 feature, which is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios which has been submitted for publishing. Each portfolio consists of four images related in some way. Whether that's location, a project, a theme or a story. Added:
Submit Your 4x4 Portfolio
Interested in submitting your work? We are always keen to get submissions, so please do get in touch!
Do you have a project or article idea that you'd like to get published? Then drop us a line. We are always looking for articles.