Goran Prvulovic

Goran Prvulovic
I am a software engineer and photographer based out of Southern Alberta since 1997. Carrying on my father's legacy as a self-taught photographer himself, the style of my pictures focuses on the beauty of the Canadian countryside - a location that I'm blessed to be able to call my home.
I do like watching the waves. It is relaxing and always exciting and unpredictable. Usually, I can spend hours trying to figure out or predict the next move and the next splash. More than watching waves, I like taking photos of waves. Long exposure, mid-telephote lens, and tripod are my choices of techniques and equipment. Opportunities to get creative are almost limitless. Slight changes in photographic parameters can capture different views and structures of water motion. I'll use three parts of a 4x4 profile photo to present my theme. I decided to use a 1:1 aspect ratio to emphasize the abstract nature of the subject.